This article is about how to draw a dragonfly for kids and beginners in different ways. These are the insect found in a cold environment or near water, and similar to frog they lay eggs in the water and then flies once became adult.
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Dragonflies live for several years and spent their life in the nymph stage. Many times they cross borders and flies at speed of 60 miles per hour. They are ancient animals and these days are part of art, jewelry, and other decorative items.
Learn to draw this fly with given easy steps, you will need a pencil, paper, colors or you can only shade it with a pencil. So, let’s begin to learn a new tutorial.
How to draw a Dragonfly for kids:
Step 1: Draw a straight line first with 2 small perpendicular lines on top, below it draw a half curve with a flat base and again a small circle below it. Draw 2 straight lines from the top of the circle drawn forming a box.
Step 2: Draw another circle in between the 2 and a long tubular shape from below of the circle for and guideline for abdomen and thorax is ready, also draw 2 lines forming an outer wall for it.
Step 3: Add 2 pairs of legs on the outer wall of the first part using an L shape and a mirror image of it. Then draw 2 pairs of the long curved lines from the 3rd circle as guideline for wings.
Step 4: Delineate the legs using some lines and draw a long curved line around the wings guideline to draw wings. Do it in the same manner for all 4 wings, keep opposite wings the same with each other.
Step 5: Delineate the first part of the leg using a ring and lines, also same time draw some rings to the rest of the body according to the breadth of it.
Step 6: Draw a little curve line in between the 2 rings of the body to make it look like joints, refer to image given below. Draw long veins coming from the same center towards the outer side of wings.
Step 7: Contour your image, draw branches of thin lines for veins in wings. Add very small tiny lines on the abdomen and thorax and also zig zag lines.
Step 8: Now when drawing is complete erase all extra lines and guidelines, make your image neat and clean.
How to draw a cartoon Dragonfly:
To draw an easy cartoon dragonfly just go with the given steps and illustrations:
- Draw a small circle followed by a small oval, draw these at an angle on the paper.
- Below these draw sleek flat oval whose upper part is overlapped.
- Start drawing a straight line from the top of the oval and then fold it back towards the body, draw it in oval shape and return back with a straight line.
- Repeat the same step to draw the wing of the opposite side and the first pair of wings is done.
- Then draw 2nd pair of wings, start from the ending point of the first wing and return back below to it.
- Draw opposite side also by repeating it.
- Add 2 legs and a curve for eyes on the first part.
- Draw veins inside the wings.
- Draw curve for body segment of thorax and abdomen.
- Fill it with the color of your choice.
How to draw a side view of a dragonfly:
How to draw step by step dragonfly: