Today’s tutorial is on how to draw a guitar which is an amazing instrument, and the tutorial is best for kids and beginners. Since the 1500s guitar has been an instrument that has only 4 strings.
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Guitars are made up of wood and metal strings. In the painting of the medieval period, guitar images can be seen. Guitars are also electrical which was widely used by musicians and professionalists. The guitar plays important role in the country, folk, classical, or heavy metal kind of music.
How to draw a Guitar
Step 1: The guitar is a long musical instrument, thus draw its outline with a round having a long diagonal line from its middle. Also, mark 2 lines on this diagonal line.
Step 2: Draw long sleek rectangle over the straight line followed with a other quardrilateral on the top. For any confusion always refer to the given image. Mark a line in the center of circle as center of it.
Step 3: Draw S and reverse s shape on the top of the round connecting the long handle of the guitar.
Step 4: From the upper edge of both the S shapes draw a upside curve to shape the guitar. Also, draw small circles with a small line with it on the top sides of the guitar.
Step 5: Darken the outer line of the guitar, by drawing one more line attached to the wall. Double the lower outer line of the guitar body.
Step 6: Draw rectangular boxes on the top of the guitar body and draw circles on the side cor5ner of it. Also, draw circles on the string of it.
Step 7: On the string of the guitar draw numerous horizontal lines intersecting with verticle lines. Then on the body of the guitar draw random patches.
Erase extra lines contour entire drawing and get your guitar drawing done.
How to draw easy guitar for kids:
Step 1: Draw a big circle with another small adjacent to it on the upper side. half of the second circle is overlapped with the first one.
Step 2: Draw a diagonal intersecting line from the 2 circles . Then you have to draw small circles with paarallel lines on the intersecting point of first big circle and line.
Step 3: On the top, bottom and the middle of the circles draw 3 lines which are parallel to each other.
Step 4: From the circle drawn in the center draw 2 parallel line going in the cupward corner direction of the paper. Above this rectengular shape draw another rectagular shape.
Step 5: To shape guitart draw straight simple lines drawn in the below given 3 images.
Step 6: Erase all the extra lines lying outside the straight lines in last step. You will get a geometrical shape.
Now give a rounded shape to it and erase overlappings lines lying inside guitar.
Step 7: Draw long fine lines for the guitar string going from the base to the top of the guitar. Attach each string with the pin drawn on the top.
Draw verticle lines intersecting these horizontal lines. Give top a rounded shape and 2 curved lines going in the center.
Step 8: Once you are done you can color it with brown color which is famous for the guitar.
Step by step guitar drawing tutorial:
Hope you have liked the above given tutorial on guitar drawing. Apart from these, there is also an illustration given below for you all.
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