Learn how to draw Grass with the given tutorial for kids and beginners. Learning how to draw is not a difficult task for any kid, this tutorial will help you brush up your scenery, outdoor drawing, and close-up outdoor drawing.
The given tutorial has explained how to draw different views of grass with their single-strand and batch of strands. While drawing any scenery, the landscape we use to draw grasses around and on the horizon, you will get help with this at that time.
Take out your paper and pencil to learn grass drawing in different patterns. You can add color also to it, most of the time grasses have green color but few drained, and a variety of grasses have a brown color.
How to Draw Grass
The given tutorial is about drawing grass in three different ways for your other drawing. This explains how to draw close-up grass, Patches of grasses, and grass in the large area. The tutorial is very easy as it is designed for beginners and kids.
Close up Grass Drawing
Drawing closeup grass needs to draw each individual blade as you are looking at it from near and directly.
Draw several layers of grasses, start with drawing long blades of grasses in the foreground overlapping some other strands in the background. Just keep adding strands likewise and you will finish with it.
Drawing Patches of Grass
These grasses are used in both types of drawing skill close-up drawings and larger landscape drawings.
As the cluster of grasses in this bunch is a little far thus the strands are drawn small and to look realistic make it in different directions and a few in the upward direction.
Drawing Large Areas of Grass
As in this grasses are too far and it is difficult to distinguish the blades of grasses and it may not look natural. So in this pattern, we will draw only the tip of the grasses fanning out in different directions.
Always draw the background grasses in small in comparison to the foreground grasses.
How to draw Grass Step by Step
Step 1: Start your drawing with the single blade of grass for this draw curved line meeting at the top.
Step 2: Draw more blades of grass following step one and going all blades in different directions.
Step 3: Again draw similar grass blades using the curved lines.
Step 4: Keep on drawing the grass blades a little behind the first one. Use your analysis and observations while drawing the grasses.
Step 5: Draw other many parallel curved lines and draw strands.
Step 6: On the little distance draw other patches of grass, draw little small, short, and bunch of grasses.
Step 7: On the distance to the prior one draw more patches of grasses.
Step 8: Draw a few more foreground, grasses using lines. Draw wavy curved line beneath on the distance to overall drawing.
Step 9: Draw more lines overlapped and meeting jagged points and indicate more grass on the ground.
Step 10: Color your landscape with the choice of your color accordingly.