We are here to learn how to draw a Caterpillar with easy steps. Caterpillar is a baby butterfly, which are known for appetites and mostly vegetarian. Once their stomach is full they cover them with cacoon and transforms them into butterflies.
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There are different varieties of caterpillars, like butterflies, silkworms, etc. Are you willing to draw your own cute and hungry caterpillar, this step-by-step tutorial will help you in doing this. A paper, pencil, and an eraser is your requirement except for this tutorial.
Would you like to draw your own cute and cuddly caterpillar? This easy, step-by-step caterpillar drawing tutorial is here to help. All you will need is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and an eraser. You may also wish to employ crayons, colored pencils, or markers to shade your finished drawing.
How to draw caterpillar:
Step 1: To draw a caterpillar start your drawing from the head, draw an oval at the side of the paper with a line going from its below.
Step 2: Then start drawing other overlapped big circles to it followed with a curved tubular shape little folded at the end. This outline will help you in drawing the thorax and abdomen parts.
Step 3: Draw 2 lines to join the head with the thorax and draw a small curved guideline for the legs in the lower part.
Step 4: Caterpillar has several small joints in the body for this draw many oval rings from head to the end of the body, size should be according to the breadth of the body already drawn.
Step 5: Draw curved lines in between every ring and add a round curved line around the leg guideline.
Step 6: Add a few more details in the head, small flatten curves in between every leg, also work on the abdomen.
Step 7: Give your outlines special attention and add other details in form of curved lines.
Step 8: Add patches and shade them to vary the thickness and darkness of the swallowtail animal.
Step 9: Once you are done with contouring delete all the guidelines and clean up the mess.
How to draw a cartoon caterpillar:
Step 1: To begin your drawing you can start with a circle, it need not be perfect always try to draw freehand rather than using some tool. Below the drawn circle draw a half round in the side of the circle, then draw the third curve below these shapes.
Step 2: As we did in the first step keep on drawing another curved half-circle shape following each of them, only you need to keep in mind that the shapes should be smaller as you move towards the tail. Draw a total of 6 shapes you can go with a few more but don’t increase it too much.
Step 3: Once you are done with the body draw an antenna on the top of the head, draw 2 lines and a round on top of it. Draw a small triangle at the base 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, curve is drawn for thorax and abdomen.
Step 4: Draw 2 big round eyes in the biggest circle, draw 2 eyebrows above that and a smiling mouth below the eyes.
Step 5: Add green color to your drawing and a smilling cartoon swallotail animal is ready.
Step by step caterpillar drawing:
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