This article is about how to draw bat for kids and beginners step by step with an explanation. Bats are famous among kids as they are popular in Halloween culture and are nocturnal animals like owls. If you all are looking for how to draw bat then follow the given tutorials. You can use an eraser to correct mistakes and color them with your choice, use crayons, paints, pencil color as per your availability.
Let’s begin your drawing by grabbing a paper, pencil, and our tutorial.
How to Draw Bat
Step 1: To start our drawing we will mark the proper height and width of the bat. Draw a circle with a line inside and another simple line below it for the head and body.
Step 2: In the next step draw the guideline for the wings, for this draw a simple line on both sides of the head. Also, mark a semicircle below the head.
Step 3: Once you are done then draw guidelines for the leg and wing. Draw pair of lines below from the guideline and a half pear shape for the body. Draw 2simple lines from the lower portion of the body
Step 4: Then draw guidelines for the legs, forefeet, and ears. Also, draw the inner part of the wings with very light and thin lines.
Step 5: Draw ears on the top, with facial guidelines on the center mark of the head. Then draw curved lines in between the inner wings line.
Step 6: Draw the snout of the bat inside the head circle, a tail at the end of the body. Draw 2 lines joining at the end for the tail and a small curved line on both sides of the tail.
Step 7: Delineate all the details of the head, toes, spikes on wings joint tails everything with a light hand and thin lines.
Step 8: Draw a few more details by paying attention to the drawing. Draw nostrils, wrists, knees, and wing thumbs. Draw feet to the bat.
Step 9: Contour your drawing to vary the thickness and depth of the image. Also, add few details like lines, and hairs, erase all guidelines.
How to draw cartoon Bat for kids:
Step 1: Start drawing with your character’s head. For doing so draw 3 inverted curves followed by the 2 other lines going downward. Inside this draw a smiling mouth with tounge.
Step 2: Below the face draw number of curved lines which will form the body of the bat, follow the given image for reference.
Step 3: Draw 2 leaf-like shapes on the top of the head to form the ear. Double the line of one side of ear.
Step 4: Inside body draw a small curved line on both sides and draw 2 legs using curved lines.
Step 5: Draw wings on both sides, for this draw an upward curved line followed by a downward going curved line. Then enclose these lines with the more curved line and wings are formed.
Inside the head draw 2 big rounded eyes with a flat round nose in between both the eyes.
Draw the dark big pupils of eyes and a tongue inside the mouth with 2 curves.
Step Your cartoon bat is ready, color it with the combination of black, blue, grey, any dark color.
Step By step Bat Drawing for kids:
Drawing a bat is very easy. Follow the given steps of bat drawing and render it easily. While drawing bat you also know a few facts about bat which are as follows:
- Bats have life more than 30 years.
- They are nocturnals that means find prey in dark.
- They mostly like cold winters thus founds in caves and dark places in a large amount.
- Pups are the name for baby bats.