In this tutorial, we will learn how to draw a kingfisher for kids in easy and simple steps. This article is best for every kid and novice who is willing to learn drawing. Every image is provided with the proper explanation about how to draw it. Follow the illustration step by step and you are done with it.
The tutorial explains 3 different variants of drawing to help you with the options. You can also draw colorful cartoon kingfisher for yourself. Use any type of color which you are handy with.
How to draw a kingfisher
Step 1: Start your drawing by marking the body measurements of the kingfisher, for this draw a small circular head and a sleek tilted oval below it. Also, draw a guideline for the branch.
Step 2: Now start drawing guidelines to draw the kingfisher neck, chest, and tail for the bird. Draw 2 lines at the back of the body and below the branch draw another straight line.
Step 3: Draw beak and mouth for the bird using outlines drawn, also draw the leg below the body of the kingfisher.
Step 4: In this step draw the outline for the bird’s wings and beak as shown in the image below. To finish the shape draw a line at end of the tail lines.
Step 5: At the back of the beak draw small eyes and a curve above the head for the crest. Draw toes at the leg and add a few more details on the tail and define wings with a few lines.
Step 6: Pay attention to the other details of the bird and add many more lines and parts as part of wings, crest, neck mane, etc.
Step 7: Outline for the drawing is ready, add details for the fur of the bird. Draw the small curved lines where ever required, follow the given image.
Step 8: After adding and drawing all details erase all extra lines and guidelines.
How to draw a kingfisher for kids
Step 1: Draw 2 overlapping round shapes as given below for your reference.
Step 2: On the left side of the head draw a pointed beak using 2 lines joining at the end. From the center of the body draw a line little curved from above and 2 other lines with the wall of the body.
Step 3: Give finishing details to the bird using a few lines near eyes and wings.
Step 4: Outline of the bird is ready, draw details as wings feathers, and hairs on the head.
Step 5: Our drawing is ready, shade bird to provide thickness and depthness to the drawing.
How to draw a cartoon Kingfisher:
Drawing a cartoon kingfisher is easy, you can draw them just by using simple and different ovals. We have given step by step image for your reference just follow them and draw your kingfisher.
Facts about Kingfisher:
- They are small to medium-sized birds with long pointed beaks.
- African dwarf kingfisher is the smallest species of about 4 inches while the largest species, the giant kingfisher is 18 inches long.
- Forests and woodlands are endangered with some of the wild kingfishers.
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