Today we are learning how to draw feet with step by step tutorial and also you can learn how to draw baby feet. It is easy to follow and render it with simple steps. We use feet to stand, walk, and run as it is the lower part of our legs. It is one of the most important parts of our life without which our body structure is incomplete. In many parts of the world its also symbolizes culture.
In America Europe, it is cultural to cover the feet with shoes or with socks, and in Asia, it is generally considered rude to wear shoes in a home or other private buildings. Still a foot is a common measurement in the united states. It is also a part of antiquity and the length varies from person to person according to their physical feature. Also, the distance walked measured with foot is with one foot placed directly in front of the other.
How to Draw feet
Step 1: Draw 2 lines keeping a little distance in between them. You can draw these lines a little curved, don’t need to be perfectly straight.
Step 2: Repeat step one to draw the outline of another leg.
Step 3: Draw circles in between the lines drawn in the step one and 2.
Step 4: Draw 2 curved lines from the circle to depict the top and bottom of the feet. While drawing the bottom foot line keep it more curved at starting point to depict heels.
Step 5: Draw the top and bottom of the foot for the second leg, it will be the mirror image of the first one.
Step 6: In the front of the drawn shapes draw curved lines and enclose them.
Step 7: Draw a curved line crossing the circle from inside to shape the ankle and leg. Draw curved shapes for the tip of the toes overlapped and connected with each other.
Step 8: Erase all the guidelines and a clear outline of your toes ankle and leg is ready.
How to draw baby feet:
Step 1: Draw a bean shape for the base of the feet, it must be broader on the upper side than the lower portion.
Step 2: Draw another bean shape, it can be the mirror image of the first one and a little overlapped from the below.
Step 3: Draw 2 straight lines dividing each shape into 2 parts, it will work as a guideline to draw fingers on the tip.
Step 4: Start drawing fingers on the top of the foot, start with 2 rounds for thumb and index.
Step 5: Draw the other three fingers again using small rounds.
Step 6: Draw the same pattern of fingers on the other leg also, following the mirror image of them.
Step 7: Draw the random lines depicting the feet lines.
Step 8: Draw the outlines of the entire leg as depicted below.
Step 9: Erase all the guidelines and finish it with the attention.
How to draw feet step by step
Drawing feet is easy with very simple steps. Below is one more depiction for the feet drawing it is explained with image illustration so that you don’t face any problem while rendering your version. Feet are the root of our whole body structure, learn to draw them with given steps.
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