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How to Draw Airplane Step by Step – For Kids & Beginners

Hello kids we are here with a very interesting tutorial on how to draw Airplanes. They are also called planes, airplanes, jets, jetliners, airbus – whatever you call them are very common these days.

In 1903 the airplane was invented which was very small in comparison to the crafts of these days. Up to the time of World, War technology had advanced enough and the army started the use of airplanes as weapons of warfare. 1940 was the time when the first jet-powered plane was invented.

How do airplanes fly, as they are heavier than air…? This is a very interesting technology that turned into a blessing for mankind. After all these interesting facts if you are interested in learning airplane drawing tutorial grab your paper and pen.

How to Draw Airplane

Step 1: Measuring the height and width of the airplane you want to draw make an outline for it. Draw a diagonal line with a perpendicular line and a small line at the end of it.

airplane drawing

Step 2: Below the diagonal line draw a curved line going from the one end to the front end of the outline. Do not draw too deep curves.


How to draw airplane

Step 3: Draw a flat line in the front part of the plain and 2 diagonal lines going outward from this line. extend these lines up to the line drawn in the first step. Draw 2 more diagonal lines at the end of the plain.


How to draw airplane

Step 4: Draw a few more straight simple lines to finish the front and rear wings of the plain. Then define the engine and windshield again using simple lines. Most of the lines are straight and simple.


How to draw airplane

Step 5: In this step draw many ovals as depicted in the given below image. these ovals will be wheels, cockpit, and engines.


How to draw airplane

Step 6: Carefully draw the outline for the flight, draw 2 long lines covering the length of the plain. Add small windows in between this line.


How to draw airplane

Step 7: To contour the airplane you need to add clouds outside the plane. Darken the outer and main lines to vary the thickness.


How to draw airplane

Step 8: Once you think the drawing is complete you can erase extra lines and give a finish touch.


How to draw airplane


How to draw airplane for kids:



how to draw airoplan     



Step 1: Draw a plane for kids starting with the body of it. Draw a straight line with a curve in front followed by other curves and a straight line towards the first one.

Step 2: On the back draw an upward straight line then from the lower line also draw other straight lines upward meeting the first one with a diagonal line.

Step 3: Add side wing using a quadrilateral for the front one and set of three joint lines for the back one. Draw a box in the end and add a curve in the front.

Step 4: Add a few more details to the drawing referring to the below-given image.

Step 5: Now to give it a more realistic look add a window using small squares and 2 half-circles at the end of the body.

Step 6: Erase overlapped lines and add a line below the windows covering the length of the plane.

Step by step plane drawing tutorial:

Drawing an airbus is a very easy task, as we have also given many tutorials on how to draw rockets, how to draw space craft you can visit them as well. For drawing a plane just follow the tutorial with attention and also bring your own experience to paper.









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