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How To Draw Clouds Step By Step – For Kids & Beginners

How To Draw Clouds -Clouds are one of the most difficult things to draw. But with a little practice, you can learn how to create impressive-looking clouds in your drawings.

How To Draw Clouds for Kids

Drawing clouds can be easy for kids if they know the basics. Here are 8 simple steps to help you draw perfect clouds: 1. Start with a basic circle and fill it in with light blue or white tones. Make sure to leave some room around the edge for the next step. 2. Draw streaks of dark blue or black towards the centre of the circle, using a thicker brush. 3. Use your pencil to add small details like fluffy white clouds, rainbows, and lightning bolts. 4. When you’re finished, erase all except the centre cloud and start drawing a second one on top of it. 5. Use a lighter pencil to outline the edges of your first cloud, then use your eraser to remove everything but that outline.

How To Draw Clouds for Kids


Clouds are one of the most difficult things to depict in a painting or drawing. They can be so ethereal and light that they’re hard to capture on paper. But with a little practice, you can learn how to draw a simple cloud in just a few easy steps. Let’s look at the different types of clouds and how to draw them.  One of the best ways to learn how to draw clouds is by using real-life examples as your reference material.

here it is shown clearly how to draw Clouds with your hand easily for strong drawing skills.

How To Draw Clouds Easily for Beginners Step By Step

If you’re looking to learn how to draw cloud, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Firstly, clouds can be difficult for beginners because they are one of the most complex shapes to draw. Secondly, it’s important to start with simple shapes and gradually work your way up to more complicated designs.

Looking to improve your cloud drawing skills? Here are easy steps on how to draw clouds:

1. Define the basic shape of the cloud using a few basic lines.

how to draw clouds

2. Add darker tones and shapes to the clouds as you go, creating an interesting and complex look.

how to draw clouds

3. Use light and dark brush strokes to create shadows and highlights, respectively.

how to draw clouds

4. Let your imagination run wild with ideas for what the clouds could be doing or saying!

how to draw clouds

Enjoy your newfound cloud drawing prowess! Clouds are one of the easiest things you can learn to draw.

How To Draw Clouds Easily for Beginners Step By Step


With a few simple strokes, you can create clouds of all shapes and sizes. Start with a light pencil sketch. Draw an outline of the cloud’s shape. Start with the bottom of the cloud and work your way up. Add details like wispy lines and shading. Erase any unwanted pencil lines. Now that you know how to draw clouds easily, get out there and start practicing!

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